With new leadership in the Turkish Presidency of Defense Industries, which oversees the country’s defense industry, the remainder of the year will be filled with significant initiatives.
Haluk Gorgun, the CEO of the prominent Turkish defense company Aselsan, assumed the chairmanship from Ismail Demir and stated that they will continue to aggressively expand and develop the defense industry ecosystem.
In the new era, technological advances in the defense sector will continue to bolster the deterrence of the security forces and ensure a sustainable rise in prosperity.
The country will increase the rate of localization and continue to invest in its indigenous defense industry and innovative and ground-breaking technologies.
- Defense industrial agenda
The national combat aircraft KAAN, which departed the hangar in 2023, will be prepared for its first flight as part of the defense industry’s hectic schedule this year.
The HURJET jet trainer and light attack aircraft, which made its first flight this year, will be delivered for the first time in 2025.

The maiden voyage of the ANKA-3 unmanned fighter aircraft will occur this year.
Additionally, ammunition integrations for Bayraktar KIZILELMA will be produced.
The unmanned combat aviation vehicle (UCAV) Bayraktar TB3, which will be deployed aboard the TCG ANADOLU, will perform its maiden flight.
F-16s will incorporate indigenous Electronic Warfare Pod and Electronic Support Pod.
AESA Nose Radar will be incorporated into Bayraktar AKINCI and F-16 unmanned aerial vehicles.
There will be initial deliveries of the multipurpose helicopter GOKBEY.
Supply Battle Support Vessel In service will be DERYA, the first of the new type of submarines, PIRI REIS, the long-range air defense and missile system SIPER, and TCG ISTANBUL, the first of the I-Class frigates.
BOZDOGAN in-sight and GOKDOGAN beyond-vision missiles, as well as VURAN armored vehicles with indigenous engines, will be delivered for the first time.
The ERALP early warning radar system, the MERT portable electronic battle system, and the KARAOK short-range anti-tank armament will be added to the stockpile.
The communication satellite Turksat 6A will be launched into orbit.
On the TF 2000 air defense destroyer, research will be conducted.
GOKTURK-3 SAR The development of an Earth observation satellite, a hybrid-fueled space rocket engine, a micro satellite launch system, a turbofan jet fighter engine, and a next-generation KORAL electronic warfare system are planned.