GM and Ford adopting Tesla’s electric vehicle charging technology affects customers 2023

Next year, owners of electric vehicles built by General Motors and Ford will be able to charge their vehicles at Tesla’s charging stations, the nation’s largest.

Both Detroit-area manufacturers adopted Tesla’s EV Charging Connector, which plugs electric vehicles into charging stations.

General Motors and Ford joining Tesla’s charging infrastructure may force other automakers to follow suit. If so, Tesla would win a major victory that would assure years of revenue.

Tesla’s North American charging standard and CCS, used by most automakers, are the two major electric car charging ports. Other automakers may join Ford and GM.

What’ll change?

Tesla has 17,000 US charging outlets. They charge quicker than most. They’re more dependable and safer near major driving lanes. Starting next year, General Motors and Ford electric vehicles may charge at 12,000 Tesla Superchargers.

Tesla sells the most electric cars in the US, followed by GM and Ford. Analysts expect other manufacturers to cooperate with Tesla to avoid falling behind these three EV industry leaders.

Competitively disadvantaged. Do I want to charge $100,000 for a vehicle without Superchargers? KPMG worldwide vehicle president Gary Silberg stated.

What if I own a non-Tesla electric car?

If it’s GM or Ford, you’ll need an adaptor to use Tesla chargers. The cost is unknown. Charge on CCS networks too. Tesla chargers are currently unavailable for non-Tesla cars.

The DOE reports 54,000 CCS-equipped public stations with 139,000 plugs. Only 7400 stations have DC fast chargers, which can charge a huge battery in minutes.

What happens if I buy another electric car besides a Tesla?

General Motors and Ford will put Tesla-compatible outlets in their new electric cars in 2025. An converter or dual-technology charging station is needed to utilize a CCS charger.

This adaptor may be needed for several years as more automobiles transition to Tesla’s technology. Sam Abuelsamid, a Guidehouse Insights analyst, predicted that by 2027, no new North American electric vehicles will have CCS outlets.

Who wins?

Ford and GM have not disclosed financial specifics. As Ford and GM automobiles charge more, Tesla will profit.

Tesla’s customers will pay to charge it, thus GM won’t spend anything. GM and Ford EV owners gain twice as many chargers.

Who loses?

ChargePoint, EVgo, and Electrify America will suffer if manufacturers choose Tesla. They’ll have to make sure all their fast chargers function with a Tesla plug or become more competitive by installing stations in better places and improving reliability.

“Until this point, they didn’t have to compete with Tesla for owners of CCS-equipped vehicles,” Abu Samid said. Silberg said other firms may struggle to attract investors since the Tesla network is available to more automobiles. Consumers should receive additional shipping alternatives as they adjust. “You’ll ignite those companies,” he continued.

Other manufacturers’ opinions on joining Tesla?

It varies. Kia, Nissan, and Toyota declined comment. Hyundai is evaluating its technologies but has nothing to say. Stellantis says he’s responding.

VW claims CCS compliance. By 2026, VW emissions fraud settlement-funded Electrify America intends to increase chargers. 840 stations and 4,000 plugs are present.

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