Amazing AI displays 2050 UK cities 2023

The terrifying potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly apparent with each passing week.

There isn’t much that AI can’t do, from writing essays and managing investments to deep-faking celebrities in puffy jackets and musicians singing in numerous languages.

And now, with the help of state-of-the-art generative AI called Midjourney, we get a glimpse into the potential future of urban areas in the United Kingdom.

The future of the United Kingdom as predicted by AI developed by Midjourney is a little bit mind-blowing.

In 27 years, according to AI forecasts, a spectacular ‘walking only’ bridge will be built in London.

It’s likely that the bridge will facilitate travel for city dwellers.

The Shard and the Tower Bridge appear to have sustained little damage.

The next image is what artificial intelligence predicts would be a remodeled Cardiff Bay, now a luxurious port for yachts.

More sightseers may visit as a result of this.

Another controversially modified image of the Glasgow Cathedral was posted by Midjourney, which was created using artificial intelligence.

The roof of the well-known structure was drastically altered by the construction of a gigantic dome to cover much of the roof.

We won’t know how Scots feel about it until we ask them.

In spite of AI’s seemingly limitless potential, it seems that the industry’s top tech executives are eager to put a halt to further advancements before the technology ‘gets out of hand’.

Billionaire Elon Musk has signed an open letter urging that all laboratories halt training AI systems for at least six months, joining the likes of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn.

“Recent months have seen AI labs locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever-more powerful digital minds that no-one — not even their creators — can understand, predict, or reliably control,” the letter continues.

We shouldn’t create advanced AI systems unless we know for sure that the outcomes will be beneficial and the dangers are acceptable.

They want scientists to concentrate on making the technology reliable, secure, and open.

“Humanity can enjoy a flourishing future with AI,” the letter continued. Now that we’ve built strong AI systems, we may take advantage of a “AI summer” to reap the benefits, design these systems for the obvious good of everybody, and give society a time to adjust.

Other technologies that might have disastrous consequences for civilization have been put on hold.

It’s possible to do so at this location. Enjoy the long summer of AI before rushing headlong into the fall.

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