US Congress will examine two new AI bills 2023

As interest in AI challenges grows, US senators submitted two bipartisan AI legislation on Thursday.

One would force the US government to be open when using AI to engage with people, and another would establish an office to examine if the US is competitive in new technologies.

AI is prompting lawmakers to examine new laws. ChatGPT, a writing-based AI tool, grabbed news earlier this year.

Senators Gary Peters, a Democrat who heads the Homeland Security Committee, Mike Braun, and James Lankford, Republicans, presented a measure that would compel U.S. government entities to notify citizens when they use AI to communicate with them.

The measure also compels agencies to allow AI-based appeals.

“The federal government needs to be proactive and transparent with AI utilization and ensure that decisions aren’t being made without humans in the driver’s seat,” Braun said.

Democrats Michael Bennet and Mark Warner and Republican Todd Young proposed an Office of Global Competition Analysis to keep the US at the forefront of artificial intelligence development.

“We cannot afford to lose our competitive edge in strategic technologies like semiconductors, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence to competitors like China,” Bennet warned.

The first secret briefing on artificial intelligence was arranged by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer earlier this week.

The briefings include AI, how to lead on AI, and defense and intelligence challenges.

US Congress will examine two new AI bills

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