Android users are switching to iPhone at the greatest rate since 2018: Report 2023

People who own smartphones frequently believe that transferring mobile operating systems is challenging.

According to a report by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), the number of individuals who purchased an iPhone after using an Android device has increased significantly over the past few years. Please take a look at it.

Android to iPhone migration is increasing.

The company analyzed iPhone purchase data over the past nine years, taking into account the phones individuals owned before purchasing an iPhone. From March 2022 to March 2023, they discovered that 15% of iPhone buyers had previously owned an Android device, while 83% said they would continue to use the iPhone.

Nevertheless, the frequency of Android transitioning has decreased over the past nine years. In the year preceding March 2016, the rate of people switching from Android smartphones to iPhones crested at 21 percent. By the year ending in March 2020, the unemployment rate had consistently declined to 10%.

Since that time, there has been a gradual increase until the current rate of 15% was attained. AppleInsider reported that, citing CIRP, the number of iPhone consumers who always purchase new iPhones has increased gradually during the same time frame.

During the year that ended in March 2015, 69 percent of iPhone purchasers reported upgrading from a previous model. Since then, this number has increased primarily because fewer iPhone buyers are acquiring their first smartphone.

A significant portion of the increase in iPhone ownership was due to people transferring from other smartphone platforms, such as Windows, Blackberry, smaller operating systems, and fundamental phones such as flip phones, to iPhones. In the year ending in March 2015, 13% of iPhone purchasers were these individuals.

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