Advertising has been added to the Google Play Store’s search bar 2023

Google has added advertisements to the Play Store search function. This adds to the existing advertisements on the platform.

Previously, when you touched the Google Play search bar, only your four most recent queries were displayed. However, you may now see sponsored suggestions and up to three “limited-time events,” with your previous queries listed below.

“Sponsored Suggestions” are now labeled “Ad” in the search results for users. Limited-time events, which were typically displayed as cards on the Play Store’s homepage to advertise forthcoming sporting matches or in-game events, are now also displayed in search history alongside the app’s name, icon, rating, and download tally.

These advertisements may contain advertisements for apps or events for apps that you have never sought for. There will be up to three spaces for advertisements, which may include sponsored suggestions or limited-time events, followed by your four most recent searches.

Google says these roles are meant to promote app developers without compensation.

“These ads are not paid. Google Play is experimenting with an organic discovery feature to emphasize apps and games with significant updates, ongoing events, or offers that may be of interest to users.

“We’re testing this feature to help Google Play users discover more enjoyable and useful experiences, and to support our developer ecosystem,”

In addition, a modest modification has been made to the interface, which now displays larger icons next to previous queries to increase their accessibility.

In April, Google announced a change to their system updates, which has been implemented incrementally over the past few weeks. In addition, Google has provided additional details regarding other Play Store enhancements, such as the addition of “key app and game highlights from what others are saying” to Play search results.

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