Intelligent technologies are reshaping sustainable development 2023

Smart cities in the United Kingdom and abroad collect vast amounts of data by installing sensors throughout the community.

The London Air Quality Network measures air quality, while Vodafone recently partnered with SES Water to detect leaky water pipelines.

In 2012, the then-mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, signed Local Law 11 of 2012, also known as the ‘Open Data Law’ Cities are increasingly making city-wide data accessible for use.

One online gateway must house all public data.

According to the Climate Clock, the government and private sector have only seven years to invest in smart technology in order to prevent a 1.5oC rise in global temperature.

The data speaks for itself:

  • 40% of all energy usage is attributable to buildings
  • 55% of the electricity consumed is accounted for by buildings.
  • Approximately 30% of the energy used in commercial buildings is estimated to be squandered.
    75% of European structures are unproductive

According to research, facilities with pure air technology can increase productivity by 11%.

To accomplish this, businesses must implement ventilation, filtration, and disinfection technology, which must be linked to an occupancy measuring solution and air quality measuring technology.

These types of building management systems can maintain and optimize buildings autonomously, requiring human intervention only when prompted.

With new technologies such as digital twins, IoT, ML, AI, and Automation, intelligent buildings can function with minimal human intervention.

A digital doppelganger can replicate city policy.

Using this technology, if a product is experiencing problems or is approaching the end of its useful life, it can notify and dispatch an engineer with the correct replacement part to repair it the first time.

The building can continue to be energy-efficient while reducing costs to the business and releasing engineers, building proprietors, and facility managers to focus on more pressing matters.

Smart technologies by themselves are not “sustainable;” rather, it depends on how they are utilized.

For instance, they can monitor the consumption of utilities such as heating and electricity, reducing costs for householders and renters and ensuring that properties remain greener and more energy-efficient.

Smart technologies can minimize carbon footprints by reducing refuse production.

They can also make developments more pleasant for homeowners/tenants, thereby increasing the demand for such properties by enhancing the quality of life.

When feasible, we utilize renewable energy sources in both our commercial and residential developments, thereby promoting pure energy and a more cost-effective solution for the end user.

Modern construction techniques accelerate the building process and reduce carbon emissions.

Utilizing innovative saltwater greenhouse technology, we will be able to cultivate produce in severe conditions on-site.

This will provide the local community with direct access to fresh fruits and vegetables rather than requiring importation, thereby reducing costs and carbon emissions.

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